Zidni Mubarok


Studying in IMBA gives me formidable insight regarding the decision making that I can use for my personal life and my career for the future.

What is studying in IMBA program like?

Studying in IMBA in NTHU is giving me formidable experience since it combines the theoretical approach and practical application in the form of case study, peer discussion and expert sharing.

You studied in BA in Management in college. How do you think it’s different from IMBA?

I think the different thing comparing these two programs. At first when I took the undergraduate, the courses mostly talking about the theoretical aspect. But when it becomes to the time when I took the IMBA, the system is different because not only learning from the theoretical aspect, I also learned from the practical application.

Before you came to the IMBA, you were working at the university. What was your job?

I was working on the strategy planning. I was handled the university performance and allocating the budget for several departments. So my responsibility is to make sure that especially university can perform well both in the international aspects and the several domestic aspects related to the student, teacher, and the learning process.

And what do you think the things you learned from IMBA will help in that position?

So, in here, I learned several tools, frameworks that I can applicate into my previous job regarding about the strategy decision, the financial decision that can improve the effectiveness and the accuracy of the decision making.

So you’ve worked for a while, and how does it feel to come back to school as a student?

It’s kind of a strange experience. I mean, once you are not spending long hours on study, the work on assignments, and then you have to make an adaptation into your life. You need to start again, but I think it’s a worthy activity to be indeed.

Do you have something to share with the future students?

My suggestion is utilize as many as possible resources that you gain the opportunity during your study here because it will be a valuable experience for you that can be huge for your career in the future.