
1. How can I apply for IMBA at NTHU?

For international applicants, please visit Global Affairs Office and submit required documents in an English version via online admission system which starts from Jan. 1st to Mar. 15th every year.

For domestic applicants, please visit Center for Admissions and Strategy and submit required documents in an English version via online admission system.

For overseas Chinese applicants, please refer to University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese student and submit required documents in an English version via online admission system.

3. Does work experience are required to this program?
Work experience is a preferred requirement desired by the exam committee. This is not essential to the admission but enhance an applicant’s ability to perform and discuss in the class.


1. What is the cost of the program?

The estimated costs of both tuition fee and credit fee are NTD. 147,992 in two years for domestic students, and about NTD. 237,120 for international students.

More details, please refer to Financial aid on this website.

3. When and where are classes held?

IMBA courses are usually located in TSMC Bldg. on campus.

As you check the class schedule, for example “R678” refers to Thursday course from 14:20-17:20. Please refer to the timetable below:

M Monday
T Tuesday
W Wednesday
R Thursday
F Friday
S Saturday

1 Class One 08:00--08:50
2 Class Two 09:00--09:50
3 Class Three 10:10--11:00
4 Class Four 11:10--12:00
n Noon Class 12:10--13:00
5 Class Five 13:20--14:10
6 Class Six 14:20--15:10
7 Class Seven 15:30--16:20
8 Class Eight 16:30--17:20
9 Class Nine 17:30--18:20
a Evening Class-One 18:30--19:20
b Evening Class-Two 19:30--20:20
c Evening Class-Three 20:30--21:20


1. How to apply for work permit?

For you, as an international student who wish to work in Taiwan (either on campus or off campus), you are required to apply for and obtain the work permit before starting work. Please note that if you hold a job without applying for the work permit, you may be fined for NT$30,000 to NT$150,000 and ordered to leave the country immediately!

To apply for a student work permit online, create an account on the Workforce Development Agency website, read the introduction and follow the instructions in the manuals to submit an application.

a.    Student work permit introduction.
b.    Workforce Development Agency EZ Work Permit Manual for International Students at NTHU.
c.     Post office payment slip.

When you received approval email from Work Development Agency, please download your official electronic document on the system within 7 days, and save the document for future reference.

For questions regarding to work permit for foreign student, please contact  NTHU,Division of General Affairs.
Tel: (03) 5715131 ext. 62457

3. Who should I contact for more details?
For more details and regulations, please contact workforce development agency.

1. Website:
2. Address: 10F, No. 39, Chung-Hwa Rd. Sec. 1, Taipei City, Taiwan (ROC)
3. TEL: (02) 23801712, (02) 23801725
4. Office Hour: Monday to Friday, 8:30-12:30, 13:30-17:30
5. Office Hours for Application Submission in Person: Monday to Friday, 8:30-17.30
6. E-mail:
7. For the complete regulation, please refer to: Ministry of Labor Employment Service Act 

Or you may visit NTHU, OGA's website.


1. I’m an alumnus of IMBA, I missed my important documents, such as diploma and transcripts, how can I re-apply for?

Step 1: Fill-in application form

Step 2: Email to  

(Mailing address and contact information should be included in the email)

Step 3: Download payment sheet and fill-in credit card information

2. What is the procedure of an oral defense and sign-out from school?
For more details, please refer to here.

More details

The question I have is not mentioned above.

Contact Us

*For more information about the IMBA, please contact

• Catherine Yu

Coordinator for IMBA Program
College of Technology Management
National Tsing Hua University

Phone: +886-3-516 2105
Fax: +886-3-561 0141

• Beatrice Wang

Project Manager
IMBA in Technology Management Program
College of Technology Management
National Tsing Hua University

Phone: +886-3-516 2106

• Zoey Chiu

Project Manager
IMBA in Technology Management Program
College of Technology Management
National Tsing Hua University

Phone: +886-3-516 2106