You step outside of your comfort zone into the catalyst of massive growth and development.
Nikki is one of our excellent students at IMBA from the Philippines. Originating from an Accounting background from her undergraduate degree, she accomplished her practicum training as an auditor at Ernst & Young- Philippines, one of the leading firms in the field of audit, tax, and consultancy services. This experience allowed her to gather practical perception of her theoretical accounting knowledge. However, her incessant zeal for growth led her to seek other paths and opportunities outside of accounting. Her love for Taiwan and her dual citizenship in the two countries consequently prompted the idea of pursuing higher education in Taiwan. Given her business and accounting background, it was clear to Nikki that the MBA program would provide the most fruitful experience. Despite the numerous MBA options in the country, she chose IMBA at National Tsing Hua University after visiting the IMBA office at campus, meeting the staff, and understanding the curriculum. The unique focus on technology undoubtedly caught Nikki's attention and interest; but it was the staff's warmth, the sense of belongingness, and welcoming atmosphere that made it evident for her that NTHU's IMBA was the program she was looking for.
Comprised of diverse individuals brimming with affable personalities, Nikki immediately felt at home in this program. The engagement brought about by in-class discussions and the exchange of various views, ideas, and experiences from students of different backgrounds provided Nikki with a more relevant, globalized perspective to business and management. Moreover, the numerous extracurricular opportunities and workshops kept campus life interesting for her. She hopes that her years of education, training, and practice will be of help to others through her future career path not only in the Philippines and Taiwan, but also globally. Most importantly, she hopes to be able to share what she has garnered to others, in hopes that they may also be able to achieve their own personal, educational, and career aspirations.