Rédoine Taoussi


Dreaming is one step away from doing.

I’m Redoine, coming from a beautiful city called Toulouse in the south of France. I’m 23, and have been in Taiwan for two years already!

What’s your past working experience and what brought you here, in the IMBA program?

I’ve have had a few experiences before coming at NTHU, including marketing activator for the Coca-Cola Company, or business developer for a French international chamber of commerce in Slovakia. My profile is very mixed and very based on the international scene. I’ve always loved going abroad, explore, and experience! 2 years before coming for my master, I’ve exchange in Taiwan for a year during my bachelor degree. After a year spent here, I just loved it! The culture, the food, the people, and opportunities linked to Taiwan.
I therefore decided to cancel of the plans I had previously, and pursue this dream. Out of all the schools available in Taiwan, NTHU was the one offering the program and curriculum the closest the what I wanted. Also NTHU is really well known, and ranked, which finalized my choice to come to NTHU for my IMBA!

Why did you chose the course at IMBA, NTHU?

I believe that the scope of study from the IMBA at NTHU was really deep, and really cross field, which I love as a marketer! Being in marketing forces you to develop skills from all fields, which was what NTHU was offering me.

What makes you feel as an IMBAer?

I believe that being an NTHU student, and being an IMBA NTHU student is different. The feeling we have is so special. We have our own building, own floor, own culture. Some of it include the student council, which really allows everybody to gather and spend some good time together!

What was the highlight of your IMBA experience?

I believe that it have been really enriching. I developed my Chinese way beyond my expectations, made a lot of friends, learned a lot of new skills, and really feel part of the IMBA family.

How are you planning to use your degree for your future career?

Hopefully finding a position in Taiwan when graduated. I strongly believe that having an IMBA from NTHU is a plus in order to find a strong position in Taiwan.