“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
Before Temuge came to Taiwan, friends, family, and colleagues all asked him the same questions: Why Taiwan, and why an MBA program focused on Tech Management? His answer was clear and confident. Taiwan ranks among the world’s leaders in technology, making it the ideal environment to pursue his interests. Additionally, the MBA program at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) provided the flexibility Temuge sought—a program that combined rigorous hard skills like business analytics and programming with the broader insights of political science and economics, fields closely tied to his undergraduate studies.
Professionally, Temuge brought a rich background with him. Most recently, he served as a project manager for an edtech initiative, grow with Google Mongolia, where he led digital skills programs for diverse participants. Before that, he was part of the communications team at UNDP Mongolia, contributing to strategic outreach and impactful community engagement. This mix of project management and communications experience deepened his interest in tech management, and he was drawn to NTHU’s academic environment for its blend of challenge and support.
Now that he’s arrived at NTHU, his initial motivations have only been strengthened. The academic opportunities are as fulfilling as he had anticipated, but beyond the classroom, a new dimension has emerged—community.
In Taiwan, Temuge has discovered an incredibly welcoming culture. The local people have been friendly and kind, helping him feel at home in a foreign land. Within his department, the atmosphere has exceeded his expectations. His fellow students, professors, and even his roommate have all been warm and supportive from the very start, creating a sense of belonging that makes his journey to Taiwan feel truly worthwhile.
Temuge came to Taiwan for the education, but it’s the strong sense of community and connection that makes him feel like he’s found a second home. Outside of his studies, he loves trying out Taiwan’s hotpot restaurants and exploring new places. If you ever want to join him for a meal or travel adventure, don’t hesitate to reach out!